
Focus is on Refugees at Thirteenth Annual SVPC Showcase

认识到难民的困境和 internally displaced persons (IDP’s) across the globe, aspiring entrepreneurs at 网易彩票下载’s Thirteenth Annual 社会创业计划比赛 (SVPC) developed solutions for 安全的饮用水、温暖的住所和经济机会. 几位高级 项目 featured ideas that would make life easier for those driven from their homes or countries due to disaster, political 动乱或战争. 展示活动,一年一度的压轴 SVPC, occurred on the SPU campus Tuesday, April 16, 2019.


的 首要项目是 ,被选为5000美元 赫伯特B. 琼斯大奖的得主 nearly 80 judges representing the business, non-profit, academic 以及专业团体. Teplo 走了进来 第二,赢得3000美元的亚军. 近400名学生, faculty, staff and guests voted for their favorite 项目, and 唐纳德?. 萨默斯获得了1000美元的人民选择奖 Evity.

是为了提供 a reliable, cost-efficient, and provisional source of clean drinking water to individuals in emergency situations. 这个团队 engineered a water condenser that cools ambient air below its relative dew point, causing vapor to condense to its liquid form. Each small unit produces up to eight liters of water a 一天,足够维持一个四口之家. 这些单位将被出售 to humanitarian aid and relief 组织 for use in disaster 局势、难民营等等. 冲团队包括 senior Mechanical Engineering major Coby Olson, senior Electrical Engineering major Jon Xayasy, junior Global Development Studies and Social Justice double major Carly Strayer, and seniors Mikael Mulhall and Aubrey Payne, both 经济学 and Global Development Studies double majors.


In Ukraine, conditions of government instability and local conflict have led to an increased number of Internally Displaced Persons (国内流离失所者)和难民. 标准的避难所 deployed for IDP’s by aid 组织 is insufficient for the 乌克兰零下的冬天. 的 Teplo team developed an easily deployable, pre-fabricated, and low-maintenance shelter to provide protection and safety 全年. 的 units are modular, heated, self-contained, and designed for large-scale installation by aid and relief 组织. Teplo 是由高年级学生组成的 Psychology and Business Administration double major Andrea Phillips, junior Business Administration major Audrey Franks, junior Global Development Studies major Emma Goehle, senior Global Development Studies major Madisynn McCombs, senior Business Administration major Chris Cole, and senior Mechanical 工程专业的卡尔文·基斯伯特.

三个可敬的 另外还颁发了2000美元的提名奖:


大胆的B.E.E. would train formerly incarcerated young women, aged 18-24号,在皮尔斯县进行安装和维护 beehives, providing both societal and environmental 通过销售蜂箱和蜂蜜获利. 大胆的B.E.E. 是junior的作品吗 Global Development Studies majors Lakyn Coppedge and Madison Zurcher,高级全球发展研究 majors Makenna Kokosz, Dylan 为bes and Sara Schaffner, 以及工商管理专业大一新生诺亚 希金斯.


Evity 计划 create locally made, sustainable, and on-trend women’s lingerie through the employment of skilled immigrant and 难民妇女,建立有尊严的事业 opportunities for women to take control over their 赚取能力和建立社区. 的 Evity team was comprised of sophomore Business Administration major Gracie Brown, junior Business Administration major Kersha Taitano, junior 经济学 and Global Development Studies double major Kaitlyn Anderson, and seniors Kat Antonelli and Elizabeth Vaccaro, both double majors in 全球发展研究与政治学.


口号是“容纳” ” 真实性 提出了一个系统 certify the ADA accessibility of public buildings and then disseminate that information to consumers through a 方便的应用. 的 真实性 计划是 由高级全球发展部撰写并呈现 Studies major Sadie Henderson, junior Global Development 研究专业的汉娜·霍姆格伦,大四的商科 Administration majors Jane Grisley and Andrew Ivaldi.


为 the sixth year in a row, SPU collaborated with Urban Impact, a faith-based non-profit in Seattle’s Rainier Valley neighborhood. Teams presenting 项目 focused on making a difference in the Rainier Valley were eligible for a separate $500 prize and this year’s winner of the Rainier Valley track award was Syzzle.

Syzzle 目的是开发一个系列 of cooking classes for adults that would generate revenue to underwrite a set of existing cooking classes for children in south Seattle, organized by the non-profit Child to Chef. 高级 Business Administration major Joshua Patterson pitched Syzzle,并与他合作撰写了商业计划书 Child to Chef的社区合作伙伴Dwane Butler.

Syzzle 项目 也会出现在海滩上的鲨鱼. 这种“鲨鱼 Tank”-style evening will be hosted by Urban Impact at the New Holly Gathering Hall, 7054 – 32nd Ave S in Seattle, WA, on April 25, 2019. Several Rainier Valley-based entrepreneurs will pitch their ideas in front of a panel of community experts and a live 观众. 活动下午6点开始.m. 一直跑到 大约晚上8:30.m. 得奖者可获现金奖励 项目.

今年是SPU的第13个年头 社会创业计划比赛. 19个参赛队参加了比赛 Showcase event, comprising approximately 70 students. In addition to SPU 项目, two teams from Northwest Nazarene University (Nampa, ID) competed, as well as one team each from Presidio Graduate School (Seattle, WA), and New Mexico Institute 采矿与技术(索科罗,NM). 除了 nearly 80 community judges, approximately 350 students, faculty 员工在人民选择投票中投票.


表演赛是决赛 社会创业计划比赛的一站. 早期阶段 the competition included a series of seminars on the basics of business plan writing, scoring of teams’ written business plans, and coaching sessions with knowledgeable businesspeople, 非营利组织高管和其他人. 总共超过150个 community volunteers gave time as readers, instructors, coaches, 和法官.

莱斯利·黑尔, business consultant with Knot Strategy, and long-time SVPC 志愿者说:“我喜欢这样做,并将继续下去 只要你有我,你就自愿. 看到这些真让人振奋 the students work hard on a concept and bring it so far along in 这么短的时间. 这是一个非常鼓舞人心的故事t.”


Greg Hartmann,外部合伙人 有AT的经理&T和一位经常参加“展示”的评委评论道:
看起来结果是 今年正好达到目标 . . . 我选了一些最好的 选择. 你怎么能和干净的水和温暖相比呢?

Retired Oracle executive and first-time Judge Carol 凯利补充道:我喜欢比赛,喜欢比赛的活力 学生,和事件!

Financial sponsors of the SVPC include the 赫伯特B. 琼斯 Foundation, the Scott and Kathleen Cummins Family Foundation, Fischer Companies, Pioneer Human Services, Bellmont Cabinets, 西北中心和技能公司. 比赛组织 by the 应用学习中心 (CAL) in the School of 商业,政府和经济(SBGE).